Kick-off projekta Growing Youth Potential


Tri, štiri, zdaj! 🚀

SLOAM v okviru programa Social Impact Award začenja z novim projektom – “Growing Youth Potential” v okviru programa KA2 Erasmus+, ki ga financira Evropska unija.

Kdo vse sodeluje?
🔵7 organizacij
🔵6 držav
🔵1 program za mlade

Čakata nas dve razburljivi leti sodelovanja s kolegi iz Hrvaške, Madžarske, Češke, Avstrije, in Romunije, s katerimi bomo ustvarili celovit program za mlade iz NEET populacije, ki bo povezal svet socialnega podjetništva in elemente duševnega zdravja!

In … to še ni vse.

Pripravljamo veliko aktivnosti, za vse novice o udeležbi in izvedbi pa spremljajte naša družbena omrežja, saj več informacij sledi kmalu. 🙂

Projekt »Growing Youth Potential« se izvaja v okviru programa Erasmus+ KA2, ki ga financira Evropska unija.


Ready, steady, go! 🚀

As a part of the Social Impact Award program, SLOAM is starting a new project – “Growing Youth Potential” within the KA2 Erasmus+ program, funded by the European Union.

Who all participates?
🔵7 organizations
🔵 6 countries
🔵1 program for young people

Two exciting years of cooperation with colleagues from Croatia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Romania await us, with which we will create a comprehensive program for young people from the NEET population, which will connect the world of social entrepreneurship and elements of mental health!

And.. that’s not all.

We are preparing a lot of activities, but for all news about participation and performance, follow our social networks, as more information will follow soon. 🙂

The project “Growing Youth Potential” is implemented within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 program, financed by the European Union.

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